Monterey County Convention
& Visitors Bureau

Monterey County Vintners
& Growers Association

Curated 'Monterey Moments' pop up series inspired by the destination's connection to the farmlands, ocean and vineyards. The touring cast included a rotating bench of chefs (John Cox, Post Ranch Inn; Ted Walter, Passionfish; Tim Wood, Carmel Valley Ranch; Justin Cogley, Aubergine; Jason Franey, Restaurant 1833; Todd Fisher, Folktale Winery; Matthew Beaudin, Monterey Bay Aquarium and others), wine personalities and influencers including members of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Blue Ribbon Task Force.

In market, we collaborated with celebrated local chefs (Tom Douglas, Mary Sue Milliken, Susan Feniger, Neal Fraser, Kent Rathbun, Beau MacMillan, Paul Kahan, others), plus partners organically aligned with the Monterey sensibility (farmers markets, chef-owned food trucks, associations serving the arts).

Scottsdale ArtWalk


  • ‘Monterey Moments: Fusion of Style & Taste’ Media Dinner with Chef Beau MacMillan, Chef Matthew Beaudin and Chef Johnny DeVivo

  • Somm Tasting

  • Monterey Wine Trail 10-Gallery Pop Up, Scottsdale ArtWalk


  • 'Monterey Moments: Pacific to Plate' Media Dinner with Chef Kent Rathbun & Chef John Cox

  • Somm Tasting

  • 'Fresh. Smoked. Grilled' Pop Up, Dallas Farmers Market

Chef Tim Wood, Chef Susan Feniger, Chef Mary Sue Milliken, Chef Yousef Ghalaini


  • ‘Monterey Moments: Land, Sea & Vine’ Media Dinner with Chef Neal Fraser, Chef John Cox and Chef Ted Walter

  • Somm Tasting

  • 'Monterey Moments: Sea to Table' Media Dinner with Chef Mary Sue Milliken, Chef Susan Feniger, Chef Tim Wood and Chef Yousef Ghalaini

  • 'Monterey Fresh' Border Grill Food Truck Promotion Supporting Share Our Strength

  • 'Monterey Fresh' Farmstand Pop Up, Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica

Washington D.C.

  • 'Monterey Moments: Land, Sea & Vine’ Media and Trade Dinner hosted by Representative Sam Farr with Chef Ted Walter and Chef Tim Wood in one of the legislative rooms on Capitol Hill connected to what Monterey champions as a community


  • 'Feast of the Seven Fishes, Monterey Style' Media and Trade Dinner with Chef Tom Douglas, Chef Jeffrey Weiss and Chef Matt Glazer at Hot Stove Society

  • 'Tales from the Sea: Monterey Bay to Puget Sound' Media Dinner with Chef Justin Cogley, Chef Jason Franey and Chef Alex Barkley at Manolin

  • Somm Luncheon

New York

  • 'Monterey Moments: Land, Sea & Vine' Media and Trade Dinner with Chef John Cox and Chef Todd Fisher in the Bouley Test Kitchen

  • 'Monterey Moments: Pacific to Plate' Media Lunch with Chef Tim Wood and Chef Ted Walter at Marea